27th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC2024)

“Secure 6G – AI Nexus: Where Technology Meets Humanity”

17-20 November 2024
Sharda University, Greater Noida (NCR-Delhi), India

27th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2024)

“Secure 6G – AI Nexus: Where Technology Meets Humanity”

Sharda University, Greater Noida (NCR-Delhi), India

Instructions for Camera Ready Paper

Camera Ready Paper Submission

Kindly prepare your Camera Ready Paper and Submit to EDAS with any other supplementary file(s) as suggested by reviewer or organizer. While preparing Camera Ready, you MUST follow the guideline given below. Login to EDAS, go to my paper and upload to “Final Manuscript”. You must submit it not later than 28th Sep 2024.
Please follow these steps to complete the procedure:

  • 1) Register for the conference (visit - https://wpmc2024.sharda.ac.in/registration ) - At least one author must register for the paper in order to upload as Camera Ready.
  • 2) Upload Camera Ready and other files to EDAS.
  • 3) Complete IEEE Copyright

To prepare Camera Ready, please use PDF eXpress: PDF Instructions for your Authors.

27th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC2024) Before Creating a PDF

  • Add the copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your source document. Use this copyright notice: 979-8-3503-9231-9/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE
  • Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.

Creating your PDF eXpress Account
Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site: IEEE PDF eXpress: Login (ieee-pdf-express.org)

First-time users should do the following:
1. Select the New Users - Click Here link.
2. Enter the following:
• 63271X for the Conference ID
• your email address
• a password
3. Continue to enter information as prompted.

An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid

Register Before Uploading Camera Ready

You MUST register your paper to the conference as author depending on category (IEEE member, Non Member, etc.). At least one author registration is MANDATORY for your paper so that you will be allowed to present your paper during the conference. Accompanied author can register as Attendee. According to the policy of the IEEE and organizing committee decision, registration of paper and physical presentation is mandatory for sending the paper to eXplore.

Please register here: https://wpmc2024.sharda.ac.in/registration

The following guidelines MUST be FOLLOWED towards Camera Ready otherwise, we will NOT Submit to IEEE Xplore:

  • MUST use IEEE Conference Template. https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html (preferably US Letter for docx)
  • DO NOT Change any font style and size, Section heading, subsection heading, etc.
  • Title should be written with First Capital Letter of Each Word
  • No Title of author like Dr, Professor, Students should be written
  • No Designation of authors should be included, NO IEEE Member or Fellow should be included
  • Authors from the same affiliation shoult be written in SINGLE COLUMN separated by comma. No need of including email of each author. One email is enough
  • Abstract should be limited to around 150 words.
  • Keywords should be included after abstract
  • Maintain consistency in writing
  • Introduction Section I - normally has standard 5 paragraphs, while first two para provides basic idea of the subject, motivate the readers, explains the importance of doing this work (with few citation – citation must be in sequence), the 3rd para must say what is existing recently and what are the gaps still found. This gives us the opportunity to mention our original contribution and novelty of this work in 4th para. The last, 5th para includes what is there in rest of the manuscript.
  • DO NOT include Literature Section or State of Art or Recent Work in Section II. Since, we have included in 3rd para of introduction, it is NOT required.
  • Other section can be titled according to the work
  • Conclusion section title can be only Conclusion. Don’t split the contents in multiple para.
  • Acknowledgement (if any) should not be given any Section No.
  • Moreover, university where faculty/scholar works is not to be acknowledged.
  • Restrict references to Not more than11-12. In fact, a standard conference has typically 7-9 references. But, if needed, 11-12 is fine. Not more than this. Keep only relevant and recent work in references. Avoid online (weblink) as reference. If necessary and if research paper is not available on that topic, a link can be included but must be in properformat like when accessed and so on. Formatting of reference must be maintained.
  • Figure and Table qualities must be good. Label, legend, axis text must be visible. Their placement and size should not go beyond the column width. Keep page length not more 4-6 pages.
  • In NO case, you should change the template and font. Keep the template and format of the text, table, according to the template in your manuscript.